
Happiness. Its concept and causes

Happiness is relative, and this means, it cannot be defined or attained, it varies from person to another and its causes differ from one personality to another and the factors surrounding that personality.

Its concept: It is the feeling of comfort, contentment, vitality and activity that fills your heart and soul.

 If you want to be happy, you have to get used to happiness and practice this feeling until you get used to it and thus become a part of your day and the system of your life.

There are two types of happiness, the first is a temporary happiness, which is the feeling of happiness for a short period of time as a result of a pleasant event, an emergency, or a specific situation that leads to a feeling of happiness, then the person returns to his normal state again.

The second type is: The long-term happiness and it is for a long time, and it is the type that people are always looking for.

Many people think that happiness is success, big money, fame, multiple relationships with the opposite sex. Some of them associate happiness with those material things. But the truth is quite the opposite!

In fact, success sometimes brings a fierce competition, hostility and estrangement, which leads to the dissipation of happiness, as well as fame brings a feeling of restriction, discomfort and lack of privacy, which causes misery to the individual and not feeling happy at all and may sometimes lead to the suicide of some celebrities as a result of pressure extreme psychological feeling of unhappiness.

Also, collecting money leads to the same result, so the person becomes just a device or machine for collecting money, and the higher the number, the greater the greed to collect more.

Multiple relationships with the opposite sex, especially if these relationships are not within the legal framework bring dispersion and instability.

Reasons of happiness: There are reasons for happiness that we must apply in order to reach the feeling of happiness, and these reasons include:

- Getting closer to Allah and sensing of his love and his many blessings upon us. Working on forming a close bond between the slave and his Lord brings a feeling of security and psychological stability.

- Having a family: Being in a loving family is a key factor in feeling happy. Isolation and loneliness lead to feelings of depression and pessimism, but these negative feelings are erased when the person is surrounded by family and friends.

- Health and wellness that some may not even notice. Good health and not feeling pain and aches only is enough to make a person feel happy, but only the sick person who unfortunately feels this favor that he misses.

- Safety and security. Just that you live in safety, you wake up and fall asleep in safety. This is a favor and it gives feeling of happiness. We do not know what refugees and displaced persons feel. Think for a moment how you would feel if there was insecurity in your life.

- Having a goal in your life to live for. Purpose adds meaning to life and helps one to strive and move forward in one's life.

Feeling satisfaction with what Allah has bestowed upon us, and contentment with Allah's decree and destiny whatever it was. Every destiny is a favor, either an apparent favor that we know or an esoteric one that we are ignorant of. In both cases, we must praise and thanked.

Let us all try to apply the causes of happiness on a daily basis and in every event; to feel happiness and achieve it in our lives.

Happiness is peace of mind, and leaving everything that does not concern you in the affairs of others.

Happiness is to put your head at the end of each day with a clear conscience; Because you did not get involved in the oppression of anyone, did not usurp a right of anyone, and did not harm anyone by word or action.

Happiness is to be in an equal emotional relationship with a partner who understands your feelings, rejoices in your joy and grieves for your sadness, pushes you to be better every day, believes in your abilities, and even listens to your silence.

Happiness lies in giving, and being generous with what is present, and it is kindness to others without expecting anything in return.

Happiness is our sense of the nearness of relief while our hearts squeeze pain because of our belief that Allah is full of pity and merciful to us. Indeed, we would be happy if we understood happiness correctly.