
Hesitation or hesitating: Its concept, causes and treatment

Human soul is created with many characteristics that must be present in every individual, and perhaps hesitation is one of these qualities. Reluctance to do something is natural, especially in the event of facing challenges and danger, hesitation uses the “Brakes” that stops us and protects us from danger and puts us in areas of security, comfort and feeling safe from possible dangers.

Also, hesitation appears in the event of multiple options, slowing down the selection step and in some cases preventing the step from the beginning.

Its concept: Hesitation means fluctuation, instability, and a state of unsteadiness over a particular opinion or decision. Psychology describes hesitation as a behavior in which a person fluctuates between decisions and is unable to take a position or decision at the right time.

Hesitation ratio varies from one person to another, and this depends on the nature of the person, his personality, and the environment in which he raised.

Reasons for Hesitation

- Fear, and the fear of making mistakes comes first.

- Lack of self-confidence, and this is the result of previous experiences that a person goes through at the beginning of his life, which makes him a personality that lacks self-confidence in his choices and decisions.

- Unwillingness to take responsibility for the results, if they are negative.

- Not being able to set goals or not being clear about goals in the first place. And the inability to determine the expected results of each option.

- There are several options available.

- Inability to identify and evaluate, the advantages and disadvantages or the pros and cons of each option.

- That the person has whispers that have overcome himself and push his companion always to search for something else that he thinks is better.

 - Excessive attention to detail and the search for perfection in things.

 - Not being lenient with oneself, as a person becomes unable to forgive himself, and considers small and simple mistakes as huge and big problems.

From here we can say: We can get rid of hesitation if we can answer the following two questions:

- What is the reason I always hesitate?

- How do I get rid of hesitation?

There are many people who are looking for how to get rid of hesitation; This is due to the large number of options available, as a person finds himself facing difficulty in making a decision or taking a very long and exaggerated time, thus missing the opportunity available at a certain time.

Effective ways to get rid of hesitation, for example: Getting rid of fear, setting goals, remembering personal achievements, having a courage to take responsibility for decisions and their results and building self-confidence.

We must always remember the negatives of hesitation; so that we can change this negative habit into a positive one, to make the right, well-thought-out and successful decisions.

Hesitation and decision making

Hesitation and decision making are two closely related processes, a hesitant person cannot make decisions.

The decision-making process is a complex process carried out by the human mind because it depends on analysis, gathering ideas, putting them forward, arranging them, and extracting a conclusion for all available solutions. Therefore, the decision-making process is a rational process and a skill that can be developed, and there are many skills that we can acquire and learn to develop the decision-making process and thus reduce hesitation.

In order to reach the best decisions and results, we divide the decision-making process into stages until the individual reaches satisfactory results that help him achieve mental health away from the hesitation that results in anxiety and confusion.

Stages of decision making

- Acknowledging the existence of a defect or obstacle.

- Gathering information about the subject to be decided upon.

- Determine the goals to be achieved.

- Classify and arrange goals in according to its importance, from most important to least important.

- Collecting all options and developing all alternatives and solutions that can be applied on the ground.

- Studying and evaluating all options, alternatives, and solutions, and laying out the pros and cons of each.

After addressing any topic in this way and going through those stages, the picture will become clear, as well as the goal and you will be able to make the most important decisions with ease and without fear.