
Fear: its causes, symptoms and treatment

Fear is a prevalent problem in the world. Each of us is afraid of something. It could be fear of death or losing loved ones, fear of loneliness, fear of being rejected by others, fear of failure, fear of poverty, fear of illness or perhaps fear of losing financial security. All of these situations result in a feeling of fear.

What is fear, or apprehension?

It is that feeling caused by an imagined danger or threat that occurs to most living organisms, and in turn causes a change in metabolic and organ functions, and ultimately leads to a change in behavior, such as escaping, hiding, or freezing on facing painful events, cold of extremities and sweating.

Its Definition: Psychologists define it as a feeling that affects the mind of a person who is anticipating a negative thing that is going to happen to him, whether a specific danger or situation. This feeling may be real, or just an imagination and an unfounded illusion.

Its Causes: Fear is attributed to several reasons classified by scientists and psychiatrists as psychological and behavioral outcomes experienced by individuals who expecting that something is going to happen to them in general, and it may be internal hormonal disorders caused by presence of an already imminent danger to the frightened person.

Its Symptoms: Skin color changes to yellow, then pale white as a result of lack of ischemic to the skin, rapid heartbeat, anxiety and tension, dry mouth and throat, sweaty palms, loss of appetite for food, nausea and general fatigue.

Its Types: Fear is divided into two types:

* Objective fear, which is a presence of a real danger that terrifies a person, such as being above a high altitude, or in front of a predatory animal, or a loud frightening sound, or the threat of death by a specific person, and other objective reasons, which have a real reason to feel fear.

* Phobia, and this type of fear arises as a result of terrifying and frightening situations that a person experienced in a previous stage of his life, and remains affected by them and unable to get rid of them throughout his life and a person may suffer from it without a real cause for fear such as fear of losing people he loves.

Its Treatment: Treating any problem, difficulty or obstacle is face the problem and recognizing it. Confronting the problem is half of its solution. Confrontation also ensures reaching a state of contentment and lasting psychological comfort.

Confrontation should be followed by the following steps:

- Addressing the psychological factors that originally caused to the emergence of this fear.

- Determine the source of the fear and the type of fear, and then visit a specialist. The specialist can be a therapist, coach, or social counsellor. The important thing is that he is an empowered and professional person who has the ability to treat the case. The therapist can, through one or several sessions (depending on the case).

- To rid the person of the case of fear or phobia that he feels. If the person has reached advanced conditions of pathological fear, the therapist has the necessary tools to help the individual to get rid of his fears in a smooth manner.

- Trusting on Allah in all matters, and person should be confident that Allah is the only one who protects man from all evils. This is a major and important factor in the treatment phase of fear.

Finally, “I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome it.” Nelson Mandela.