
Delivery Policy

  1. All fees must be paid in full with the registration process.
  2. If the registrant withdraws from the program twenty (20) days before the start date, the full fee will be refunded.
  3. If the registrant withdraws from the program seven (7) days before the start date, the fees shall be refunded, including fifteen percent (15%) of the original fees.
  4. If the registrant withdraws from the program twenty-four (24) hours before its start, only fifty percent (50%) of the original fee will be refunded.
  5. If the registrant withdraws from the program after the start of the program - whether he attends part of it or not - he does not get anything from the fees.
  6. In the event of withdrawal from the program or an apology for completing the remaining part for any reason, the fees are not refunded, and the student is not saved for another program or group.
  7. When a session is canceled for which the fees have been paid, the amount of money will be saved to benefit from it in other services, or the same service for a period of six months, and if the beneficiary requests the return of the fees, an administrative fee of no less than 25% of the amount paid will be deducted from it.
  8. Path 369 for training has the right to change the dates of previously scheduled programs that have not yet started as it sees fit, and this does not entail any compensation for registrants, such as bearing the cost of flight or accommodation reservations.
  9. The student is responsible for providing the appropriate environment for remote study, by choosing the right place, the appropriate mobile device or laptop, and ensuring the availability of Internet service and network coverage. Path 369 for training does not bear any consequences for the quality of communication, unless it is from it.
  10. The student adheres to the full distance learning requirements. And give it maximum effort, and highest performance.
  11. Masar 369 has the right to change the dates of previously scheduled sessions that have not started yet, as it deems appropriate for it, and this does not entail any compensation for registrants.
  12. The service applicant, via remote visual communication, is responsible for providing an appropriate environment for this.
  13. The participant gets a personal analysis document in PDF format sent by e-mail.
  14. The data of the organizer and individuals are kept and will not be used for any other purposes. Masar will destroy them in a safe manner when they are finished.
  15. In the case of special aid, Masar provides special aid according to the assessment of the aid and the requirements of necessity, and it is not obligated to provide it based on the applicant’s assessment.