
Why am I here?

Is the question you ask yourself after spending many years of your life somewhere you don’t belong, having your ambitions neglected, and your passion for granted, which brings you to the deepest questions:


  • What led me to this lonely road?
  • Why do I feel distant from everything?
  • Why am I stuck where I’m?


You see light through darkness, and your mind positively guides you:

Head toward “Salama Jawad for Training” (which is the path).

It will help your life improve; your vision becomes clear, and your future promises prosperity.

Through which you find your goal, regain your true self, enlighten your path, and define your objectives.  


The first step is the most difficult, such brave step takes you closer to achieving your aspirations. Start today by choosing your right path. Be courageous and do not hesitate.


Life is a decision that must be taken upon the right opportunity.

Life is about chances; once you lose them they cannot be returned.


Today is your chance to choose your path, the one which will lead you to your dreams and goals.

Reach out to us and we will hold your hands in your fresh start with an invincible spirit.