
Terms & Conditions

Please read the following terms of use carefully before you log into the electronic website. Logging into the electronic site is considered as unconditional acceptance and agreement to the terms of use. Please don’t enter into the electronic website in case of not accepting the terms of use.

By entering the website, the user agrees on the following: 

  1. Not to misuse the website in any manner. 
  2. Not to represent others during use of website. 
  3. Not to use the website to commit crime or encourage others to do any act which is considered a crime or result in civil liability under the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain. 
  4. Not to publish or transfer information which include racial, sectarian discrimination, libel, nuisance, interference, slander, humiliation, obscene or illegal acts or any content which negatively touches Islamic Sharia or the political system and public policy of the Kingdom of Bahrain. 
  5. Not to use the website to download any content which contain viruses or files and programs or tools which cause damage or hinder the website. 
  6. Not to change or cause damage to or omit any content published in the website. 
  7. not to claim relation or representation of any company or partnership or other organization which you are not legally authorized to do so. 
  8. Not to publish or forward any intrusive ads or promotional material or any type of encouragement. 

Intellectual property and ban policy 

  1. Not to violate any intellectual property. 

  2. Not to collect or save any personal information of others. Salama Jawad for Training has the right cancel or suspend the use of the website at its sole discretion without prior notice for any reason whatsoever including breach of terms of use or for any act contradicts with the website and violates public order or it is considered against the law or cause damage to others. In case of cancellation, the user shall not be able to enter the website and the company shall use all means to prevent the violating user from entering the website. 
  3. If current terms of use are violated without prejudice to our other rights and remedies, we may take action against your used account to access to PSN play station network to ban your account particularly if we consider your act as a threat to our reputation, network and to our clients. 
  4. The entire intellectual property and content in the website are protected with copywrite and trad marks laws. It is not allowed to copy or publish any content or forward it to any person or use it for any commercial purpose. 

Commitments and warranties 

  1. Salama Jawad for Training doesn’t provide any type of guarantees and warranties to the user and the user shall be using the website on his own responsibility. The objective of the website is to provide services and general information for identification purposes only. 

  2. The service information may be incomplete for sustainable development and the company reserves the right to amend and change service plans and materials without prior notice and without any commitment. 
  3. These changes may not be declared in the website, therefore, please request the details by contacting us through the communication tools mentioned in the website. 
  4. All notices and conditions are subject to changes at any time suitable to the company.

Appointment making policy  

  1. When requesting appointment, you agree to pay the fee as detailed. When you submit your application, an amount equal to the appointment fee shall be blocked in the credit card you have used. You undertake that you are authorized to use the registered card for the purposes detailed in these terms and conditions and in case of any unauthorized use of the card in this website,  you agree to indemnify the company of all damages regarding all commitments and losses whatsoever including legal fees. 

  2. Requesting individual session is a private and personal request by you and it is not transferable to any other person. You are not allowed to assign your personal session in favor of any other party. 
  3. All information in the website including but not limited to designs, texts, photos, audio, articles and other information are protected by law and they are the property of Salama Jawad for Training. 
  4. By reviewing our current terms of use and rules of using our website, you are agreeing to accept our current terms of use. Current terms of sue may change from time to time. When using our site at any time you must review terms of use to ensure that you understand the terms of use applicable at that time. 
  5. To the extent allowed by the local laws, you shall not cancel the code which protects the content or cancel its program or reverse its engineering or otherwise dismantle it or try to dismantle it. 
  6. You shall bear entire liability for any text, video, audio, photos, other information or any content you create or created by others in our site. Neither we verify any user generated content nor agree to it. Any views expressed by other uses on our website didn’t represent our views and values. 

Appointment change policy 

  1. Salama Jawad for Training shall have the right to change previously scheduled and not started programs as it deems suitable and without entailing any compensation for the registered people including any costs related air travel and accommodation. 

  2. For distance courses, the student shall be responsible to provide the proper environment of distance studying such as choosing the right avenue, mobile phone, and lap top computer ensuring the availability of internet, web coverage and Salama Jawad for Training shall not bear any liability for the quality of communication unless it is cause by it. 
  3. The student shall meet all requirement for distance learning and exert his best efforts and performance. 
  4. Salama Jawad for Training shall have the right to change previously scheduled sessions as it deems suitable without any compensation for the registered persons. 
  5. Any person requesting service through visual communication shall be responsible to provide the right environment for this purpose. 

Terms and conditions of personality analysis 

  1. The participant shall receive the personality analysis in PDF format sent by email. 

  2. The beneficiary shall not request reimbursement of amount after receiving paying and receiving the file. 

Terms and conditions of support service 

  1. In case of special support, Salama Jawad for Training shall provide special support according to evaluation and necessity as it deems suitable and not on the basis of the applicant evaluation. 

  2. Salama Jawad for Training shall not be bound to provide support at a certain time. 

Completed by the Grace of God.