
Obsessive. Its cause, complications and treatment

Obsessive is a mental illness, and its treatment usually requires a long time and a strong will on the part of the sick person. And to be more specific we are talking about (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) OCD.

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

It is pathologically exaggerated repetitive behavior or thoughts as a result of unreal involuntary motives and thoughts that control the patient’s mind and push him to do a certain behavior and repeat it without stopping even though he is often aware that his actions are incorrect, which disrupts normal daily activities. Obsessive-compulsive disease may worsen, to the extent of impairing the patient's entire practical and social life.

For example: cleanliness is a normal and desirable behavior, but when a person suffers from an obsession with hygiene, he begins to repeat certain actions such as washing hands over and over, even though he is sure that they are clean.

Another example, if a person has doubts about locking the door or turning off the oven and water taps, so patient takes hours to make sure that the home facilities are secure, and patient may interrupt a visit because he doubts that he left the water taps or left the doors open despite checking their closures several times.

Complications: Suicidal thoughts, addiction to alcohol, drugs or sedatives, inability to work and learn, skin infections as a result of excessive washing of hands and body, and disturbances in social relations.


Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, one of the best ways to help improve the condition of obsessive-compulsive disorder is the so-called cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is carried out by a specialized doctor and depends on the patient’s definition of the nature of his disease in detail and explains the treatment plan to him, then begins to conduct therapeutic sessions and exposes the patient to the stimuli of his obsessions and trains him not to respond them and gradually reduce them; Until he reaches the stage of not responding to stimuli completely.

Of course, there are many other treatment methods determined by a specialist doctor according to each case. We are not going to explain all treatment methods.

The goal of the article is whatever disease you suffer and the psychological state you are going through, there is a cure, and the treatment can be simple and within your reach. All you need is awareness and the will to change your life to the better.