
Remorse. how do I deal with it?

Of course, we all make mistakes, intentionally or unintentionally.

Some mistakes are small, others are big in their size and impact on ourselves and those around us.

But how we act and deal with our mistakes is more important than the mistakes themselves. No person is infallible. As long as a person is alive, he is liable to fall into various kinds of mistakes. Some people's reaction to the mistake is (Feeling Remorse).

This is normal, but to what degree am I allowed to regret my wrong doing?

And how long did it take to feel remorse?

To be remorseful about an action I did or a mistake I made is very natural, but to waste the rest of my life in regret is not acceptable. Or to repeat the same mistake over and over. Or to take long periods of regret and blame myself and be a victim of the process of (self-flagellation) and punished for this mistake. All of these things are wrong that a person commits against himself.

My beloveds', accepting our mistakes and realizing them and work to correct them and correct the course of our lives in a logical and correct way that helps us a lot to live in psychological peace and happiness.

Stay well and happy!