
Relations. Its definition and nature

In the journey of our lives we go through many experiences and social relations, differing in their quality, definition and nature.

Of course, when an individual is in the prime of life, he becomes impulsive in forming relationships, but what many of us miss is the classification of these relationships.

If you, dear reader, reflect on all these relationships. You will reach the following conclusion:

Some relationships add up to you alot.

Some relationships detract from you.

Some relationships make you stronger.

Some relationships weaken you.

Some relationships waste your energy.

 Some relationships make you happy.

 Some relationships make you sad

 Some relationships move you forward.

 Some relationships drag you back.

 Some relationships lift you to the highest position.

Some relationships put you at a deep bottom.

Therefore, always choose the perimeter of your relationships carefully. Because this is a major reason for your happiness and peace of mind.

And always remember if you are disappointed in a relationship, you must realize that every relationship is unique and independent, It is not right to blame someone because of another. in other word, don't let stress and failure in a relationship convince you that you can't form good, healthy relationships. The issue is that you may not have made a good choice in selecting people over and over and you may have put some of them in the wrong place. But at any time, you can build new and correct relationships, modify existing ones, and delete others.


Yes, you can and are able to bring a positive change in your life whenever you want, wherever you are and in the way you choose.