
Beliefs. what is it?

Beliefs are ideas that are basically kept inside us and concepts that appear in our memory about something as soon as we hear a term or word.

For example, for some people, the term "anti-system" has connotations associated with terrorism and insecurity, but for others, it has connotations related to participatory democracy and cooperation, so belief is what you think about any topic.

There are many types of beliefs, including:

Secular beliefs, religious beliefs, conscious and unconscious beliefs, adaptive beliefs, beliefs about personal identity and others.

Here we are talking about one type of belief, which is beliefs about personal identity. It is entirely related to self-esteem, self-concept, and the expectations and concepts we have in ourselves about ourselves.

Example: If I think I'm beautiful or I think I'm ugly. In both cases, I am right. This is what I see about myself from within myself. Or I think I'm not good at cooking, or vice versa, I think I'm a chef, in both cases I'm right. No one will be able to change the picture that I painted of myself.

There is no right or wrong in beliefs; Simply because it is your personal opinion of who you are.

Unfortunately, some beliefs about ourselves are taken from others and believe that beliefs. When the parents repeat to a family member (you are stupid) ... then a picture of this person is formed about himself that he is really stupid and he believes this belief and works according to this belief in his daily life.

How do you think this person behaves when he thinks he is stupid?!

How will he deal with others?

How will he speak? And if he did? Will he speak with confidence? Will he be able to present his ideas? Will he respect his ideas?

Simply, this person will be shaky, unsure of himself; Because what he thinks about himself is negative.

Another example or another widely held belief. (I'm busy). This person condemned himself to live in his busyness; Because this is what he thinks, he runs all his life and does not find time for himself because he is busy.

Now the question is, how do we change a negative belief about ourselves?

It is possible that this belief is still with us.

Example 1

Negative belief: I'm busy and don't have time to do anything.

Corresponding positive belief: I have enough time to do everything.

Example 2

Negative belief: I am unlucky.

 Corresponding positive belief: I am lucky.

You need to repeat the new positive belief several times a day, at first you will feel strange, conflicting beliefs and an inner voice not convinced of what you say, but after about three weeks things will start to improve and the positive belief will gradually take its place on the ground.

Now, ask yourself what are my beliefs about myself? Do some of them need to be changed?

 What negative belief do I hold?

 What positive belief do I want in my life?

Wishing you a healthy life with positive beliefs.